I’ve put together this list of resources with the hopes it will serve your family in the way it has mine. Some of these resources are new to this season and I’m excited we have them to share together…
Read MoreI believe one of the keys to becoming organized, balanced, and flexible is by planning - knowing your plans may change. If we want to get somewhere we have to figure out where we’re going and the best route to get there. Once a week, we will sit down and plan our meals for the week…
Read MoreAs 2019 comes to a close, Calvin and I have been thinking about what we will focus on in 2020…
Read MoreWe want to feel honest and genuine with whatever we're putting out there. Here are three ways I've been able to actively avoided the slippery slope of comparison…
Read MoreThe time I get to share with my boys in this season is fleeting. I know it is, but there are still days when I forget. Days I become weary or days I'm less intentional. I want to do everything I can to make those days as few and far between that I can. I've really grown in thoroughly enjoying parenting and teaching my boys...
Read MoreHaving photos around the house of our family throughout the years is important to me. I want the boys to have constant reminders of moments they have little to no memory of. I want them to be able to look at a photo and see the love and happiness that has been constant in our family…
Read MoreBeing a detail oriented person and someone who’s able to anticipate needs requires providing solutions to problems as they present themselves. If you’re going to be the kind of person who is known for providing solutions, it starts with having the right mindset…
Read MoreLife is fleeting and we want to make sure we focus on the right things at the right time. So much of life is also about whatever comes our way, but the hope is that having this foundation allows us to keep resetting…
Read MoreIf you want to grow in your ability to anticipate needs you can start by learning. There are several ways we can learn for the purpose of growing our ability to anticipate needs. I’ve found the best place to start is with an attitude that desires to learn…
Read MoreAs the arrival of our first born son drew near, it was my goal to do as much preparation ahead of time so I could care for him in the best way possible. Plus, I wanted to know as much as I could about what to expect with welcoming a newborn into our family…
Read MoreAs the arrival of sweet Abner draws ever closer, I've been putting last minute touches on the decor for his nursery. One way I tried to wrap my brain around what I want the boys rooms to look like is by creating "mood boards" for each of them…
Read MoreOrganizing a wedding should be a joyful experience - not a stressful one. Here are some things I've found helpful to think through when organizing and planning a wedding…
Read MoreAs the delivery time of our first little one approached, I wanted to plan as best as I could. Since having Emet, I've had several mothers-to-be ask about how I packed and prepared for my time in the hospital, so I thought I'd share it with you here too…
Read MoreOne of the things I've always wanted for my family is a peaceful home. A peaceful place where we can rest, eat, dance, be productive, and retreat. I hope to create a home that's a dependable place to come back to after a long day...
Read MoreWe all have things that we need to get done. Every day we have tasks that come up and we have to figure out how and when to get them done. This happens both in the workplace and at home. So, it’s essential to have a plan and system in place to process the work that comes up...
Read MoreOne of the resources I look to for inspiration and motivation is reading books by creative and organized people. I've put together a list of some of my favorites, and hope they do the same for you. I love each of these for different reasons, and recommend checking them out...
Read MoreTime management is a tricky thing. Mostly, because there are so many different opinions and methods to making the most of your time...
When hosting, you want to be hospitable, generous, and leave a positive lasting impression with your guest...
What does it mean to be productive as a mom? This is a question that I've been wrestling with and seeking to find the answer to for the past year...
Read MoreThe key to having a successful year is setting a goal for you or your family and knowing how everything else serves that goal...
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