This month, we celebrated our son, Abner, turning 4 years old. Abner is very passionate about the things he loves: the color blue, good food, and dinosaurs. Every year we ask our boys what theme they want for their birthday. Their decision is usually based on whatever their favorite things happen to be at the time. So it’s only natural that Abner would request a T-Rex birthday.

Happy 4th Birthday, Abner! I hope it was dino-tastic!

Abner, as we celebrate your 4th year, here’s a small list of the things you love and the things we love about you:

  • Your love for everything blue.

  • Your obsession with all of the dinosaur things. But especially the T-Rex.

  • The way you answer even the most heartfelt serious questions with “YUP”.

  • How you encourage your brother at his baseball and soccer games by saying “GO MEH!

  • The way you say the magic words “Bopity a boo” before doing something magical.

  • The special way you talk and say words. You’re like a miniature Sean Connery.

  • Your love for cooking and preparing food.

  • You can’t get enough Blippi in your life (although your Mom and Dad can).

  • Your favorite super hero is Iron Spider-Man.

  • We always seem find you at your train table when we come to the play room.

  • You’ve been obsessed with bananas for your entire life. Not just eating them, but plastic banana toys, pictures of bananas. You even asked for banana sheets (which we bought for you).

  • You like pretending you are a monkey.

  • The way you laugh when I get you in your tickle spot.

  • Your love for penguins.

  • The way you still find comfort from your “silver benkie” (silver blanket) and touching its tag to your face.

  • When you say stuff like: “If you hold onto my foot it will give you magical powers to come back to me.”


| Credits: Author & Photography - Jacintha & Calvin Payne |