Christmas 2020 was a sweet one. We worked really hard to get everything done and then we stopped. Just us. We put our phones down, stopped checking emails, and shared time with each other playing games, putting together legos, and eating way too much food.
We celebrated the advent season as a family once again. There was something special about it this year. The wonder and anticipation in the eyes of our boys was incredible. Each night their excitement grew along with ours for the celebration of Christmas day.
I came across this quote that really captures the wonder of what our family celebrates together at Christmas.
"Today you see in a stable
the Word speechless,
Greatness in smallness,
Immensity in blankets.
Such wonders!…
He who had no beginning,
his being of Time begins;
the Creator, as a creature,
is now subject to our griefs.
Such wonders!"
// Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, “Carol 3”
So I never forget, here’s a list of some of the fun things we did in December:
Introduced Click to our family (Elf on a Shelf)
Went on family walks together
Family game nights
Cube game
Made paper snowflake cutouts for the windows
Watched the How To Train Your Dragon movies
Made slime together
Put together gingerbread houses
Drove around and looked at lights
Made Christmas cookies
Lights Under Louisville
Watched the Grinch Movie (2018)
Watched Polar Express on Christmas Eve with Candy and Popcorn
Santa Clause movie night
Wrapped alllll the gifts
Made homemade penguin magnets
Family Craft Night - homemade ornaments
Built Darth Vader Castle (Lego set)
Played Legos with Emet
Played Trains with Abner
Painted Nut Crackers
Put together trampoline (jumped a lot)
Colored together
Family Zoo day
Decorated Christmas Tree
Piano with Emet - Jingle Bells concert
Advent reading every night
Playing Christmas music
Below is a video of highlights from the season along with some photos of special memories.

| Credits: Author - Jacintha Payne; Photography - Jacintha & Calvin Payne |